6 ways to make Make green food fun!

6 ways to make Make green food fun!

It’s almost time to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day when the whole world turns green!

And our national holiday is a great opportunity to promote eating green food - all those things you want your kids to eat like broccoli, lettuce and cucumber!

Here’s 6 ways to make green food fun this Paddy’s Day:

  • in the supermarket, get your child to find as many green fruits and veg as they can. Give them a target - eg. 10 different green foods

  • have a green food day over the long weekend - try spinach pancakes for breakfast, pea and mint soup for lunch and broccoli and sweet potato risotto for dinner!

  • drink green juice! Make a smoothie with spinach, strawberries and banana for a tasty smoothie before watching the parade

  • do food art with green foods! Cut the bottom off a green pepper - it will look like a shamrock! Fill it with peas or chopped cucumber

  • have pea races! Blow peas along the ground, through obstacles made with lego or furniture - use straws or just your moths to blow!

  • use lettuce leaves as a cup to hold other foods like tuna mayonnaise

  • grow lettuce from seed - quick growing leaves are the best as kids don’t have to wait too long - the excitement will be something else!

  • large lettuce leaves like iceberg make great (and silly) hats!

  • try our online course - we have a whole workshop about lettuce …! Almost guaranteed to get your child tasting lettuce!

  • Or try our magic trick with rocket which kids love to recreate - check it out here. It’s part of our fun online course!

How do you encourage your child to eat their greens in your house?!